


这 www.欧博手机版app下载.edu Website 隐私政策 (this "Policy") tells you how Fortis ("富通学院 and Fortis Institute" or "we") collects, 使用, 股票, and protects personal information that we collect as part of your interaction with the www.欧博手机版app下载.edu website, 包括 information related to your past use of the www.欧博手机版app下载.edu 网站(本“网站”). Personal information is information about you that is personally identifiable like your name, address, Email地址, 或Phone号码, and that is not otherwise publicly available. 

Please read this Policy carefully to understand what we do with the information about you that we collect as part of your interaction with this Website, and please also read our 条款 of Use carefully to understand the other terms and conditions regarding your use of this Website. 这 Policy concerns only this Website, and does not concern any other website, 包括 websites to which this site may link. 

A. The Types of Information We Collect From You Via 这 Website1. Personal Information You Provide to Us

When you submit a request for information from us, we may collect personal information about you such as your preferred location, 感兴趣的欧博app, 第一个名字, 姓, Email, 街道地址, 城市, State, 邮政编码, 白天Phone, 晚上Phone, 毕业/ GED年, as well as any other personal information you may choose to submit in the context of your request for information. While you can chose not to provide us with any personal information, or with limited personal information as part of your request for information from us, if you do so we may not be in a position to respond to your request for information. By submitting a request for information via the Website you represent that you are over the age of 13.

When you participate in a survey accessible via this Website, we collect your answers to the survey questions. Surveys are conducted at random and your participation in any survey is completely voluntary. If any survey requires you to provide personal information, 而你不希望这样做, you may discontinue any such survey at any time. By submitting information in response to a survey, you represent that you are over the age of 13.

2. Information We Collect Through 技术(a) IP Addresses. 当您访问本网站时, we may keep a record of the internet protocol ("IP") address of the computer you used to visit this Website. 

(b)饼干. 当您访问本网站时, a "cookie" (a small piece of text) may be stored on the computer you use to visit this Website. You can choose to have the computer warn you each time a cookie is being sent, or you can turn off all cookies through your browser settings. We may use the cookie to maintain data related to you during your navigation of this Website, to remember information about you in order to show relevant content in the future, or to track your web browsing habits.

(c)其他技术. Our Website may also use other technical methods to track the traffic patterns on this Website, such as the frequency with which our users visit various parts of this Website. These technical methods may involve the transmission of information either directly to us or to another party authorized by us to collect information on our behalf. We may also use these technical methods in HTML e-mails that we send visitors to our website to determine whether such visitors have opened those e-mails and/or clicked on links in those e-mails. We may collect and store the information provided to us by these technologies in a form that is personally identifiable.

B. How We Use Personal Information We Collect From You Via 这 Website

1. 内部使用

We may use your personal information for various internal purposes, 包括, 但不限于, responding to your requests for information, anticipating and resolving problems with your use of the Website, and to inform you of upcoming events, 课程, and other products or service offerings that we believe may be of interest to you. 这 means that we may use your personal information, whether in conjunction with information available from other sources or otherwise, 向您推销我们的服务. We may also use personal information to investigate and prevent potentially unlawful activity or activity that threatens the network or otherwise violates this Website's terms and conditions for usage.

2. Sharing Your Personal information with Third Parties

We may provide personal information about you to third party service providers that are not affiliated with us and who perform services for us or on our behalf. Examples of these services may include, 但不限于, 收集您的信息, 与您沟通, 和/或其他营销服务. We will provide your personal information to the extent needed in order for such third parties to provide their services, 或者在某些情况下, for Fortis and third parties to jointly market services and/or products to you.

C. Updating Your 联系 Information and Opt-Out Choices

你可以访问, 更新, and change the contact information you provide to use in connection with a request for information, 修改你的退出选项, 透过电邮与我们联络 corporatewebmaster@欧博手机版app下载college.edu. You may unsubscribe from certain e-mail communications from Fortis by clicking on unsubscribe links in those e-mails. 

If Fortis receives an opt-out or unsubscribe request from you, Fortis thereafter (i) will not contact you directly with marketing messages about Fortis products or services, and (ii) will not use personal information obtained from your use of the Website to contact you with marketing messages. 请注意, 然而, that any such "opt out" only applies to Fortis and will not apply to any other third parties to which Fortis has already supplied your personal information.

D. Security Measures Fortis Takes to Protect Your Personal information

Fortis has implemented technical, 行政, and physical security measures in an effort to safeguard the privacy of your personal information from unauthorized access or improper use. 不时地, Fortis will review our security procedures in order to consider appropriate new technology and methods to enhance our security procedures as new technology becomes available. 然而, you acknowledge and agree that despite our best efforts, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable, and your personal information may still be accessed and used by others without authorization.

E. We Do Not Solicit Personal Information From Persons Younger Than 13

这 Website does not solicit or target persons younger than 13 years old, and we will not knowingly accept personal information from any such person. 除了, Fortis encourages any child under the age of 18 to seek the consent of their parents before providing any information about themselves or their households to anyone on the Internet. Fortis also encourages parents to take an active role to protect the privacy and security of their children and to prevent the inappropriate use of information about their children.

F. 业务转移

In the event that Fortis or any of its affiliates is acquired by (whether by 出售 of assets or ownership interests) or merged with a third party entity, we reserve the right to transfer or assign all of the personal information we have collected from you via our Website (包括 via any survey in which you have participated) as part of such merger, 收购, 出售, 或者其他控制权的变更. 万一我们破产了, 破产, 重组, 破产管理, or assignment for the benefit of creditors, or the application of laws or equitable principles affecting creditors' rights generally, we may not be able to control how your personal information is treated, 转让或使用.

G. 政策变化

Fortis reserves the right to change its privacy policy by publishing new terms on the Website. Your submission of personal information after any such new terms have been published constitutes your acknowledgment and acceptance of same.

H. Questions or Complaints About 这 隐私政策

Please direct any questions or complaints regarding our privacy policy to corporatewebmaster@欧博手机版app下载college.edu.

I. Questions About Identity Theft and Online Issues

我们建议您访问ftc.政府/idtheft to learn about the crime of identity theft, 包括 detailed information to help you deter, 检测, 并加以防御, 我们建议你去看看 OnGuardOnline.政府 to learn how to be on guard against Internet fraud, 保护你的电脑, and protect your personal information.